13 August 2006

Bullets don't kill people. I kill people.

So it's been awhile since I've posted anything and I thought I'd just bring everybody back up to speed with a bullet presentation.

  • While watching the Food Network, Karen's jealousy of Rachael Ray overcame her and she personally renamed "$40 a Day" to "How to Cheat Poor Service People Out of Their Tips". Karen's just angry because I call RR a goddess, although we have both decided that Rachael Ray would be the world's single most annoying person to be around in person. ( I swear to Gd, if Sumit ever said "Yum-O!" I would slap the shit out of him. ) Plus, she has a Ba-donk-a-donk.
  • I've gotten a cell phone, and in addition to the copious amounts of drunk dialing - expected, of course, I have started to take a ridiculous number of ridiculous photos. It's quickdraw properties have definite advantages. Observe:

Exhibit one. Holla Back Boy giving Will a "Wet Willie". It just seems natural sometimes.

This is Sumit making sure there is no Tequila on the poker money. Thanks Sumit.

The ever-elusive Karen, in her natural environment. ( Natural environment being a towel, a silly hat, smoking a cigarette, and reading Calvin and Hobbes.

Unsuspecting bystanders picking your nose, beware!! I have the ability... I have the technology.. to snap pictures in like five-point-two milliseconds. If I can figure out to get 'LifeBlog' going, I could even instantly upload them. The possibilities are endless.

  • The bullets are pointless.

  • New Music to check out: Ratatat ( Try "Seventeen Years" )
  • Gatta go. Heading to the zoo, hopefully to see the new elephant baby. Have you ever noticed that optimism exists without actual practicality? For instance, I was just thinking, "Man I love my apartment. Now that they've opened up Forest Park Ave, I could ride my bike to the zoo! If I had a bike."