28 March 2010

Don't Call It a Comeback - I've Been Here for Years

Well, it has been quite a while since I have posted anything. In light of that, it would make sense for me to have some magnificent and meaningful essay on the timelessness of sharing and/or here's what I've been up to. That will not be happening. Instead, I will without ceremony, be re-opening this meaningless Junk-fest most post-haste and for no rhyme or reason. Those of you still on this particular wavelength of earth-time may be pleased/surprised to hear that:

  • I'm getting married in August to an amazing woman. We're incredibly happy and are deeply entrenched in planning/managing/damage-controlling the activities.  I've added a link to our wedding site. Please visit. 
  • Seattle is my new home. If I had continued to write for the past two years, it would have been littered primarily with this fact, and the idea that Seattle is AMAZING. Stay tuned for variations on this theme.
  • I'm still pretty awesome, with occasional veins of nerd. 
That said, post-its in hand, feel free to rage against the reality of it, but I'm back. Boom.
